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Check ≠ Checkmate (mp3)


How God 'flipped the script' on Haman; learning that God will give victory no matter what it takes; a summary of Esther chapters 5-7.. . . (Check Does...

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Checking Your Spiritual Vital Signs (mp3)


An examination of the message God gave John for the church at Sardis. (Included in the 7-part series "You've Got Mail".)

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Citizens of Two Kingdoms (mp3)


Learning what it means to submit to earthly authorities; representing the kingdom of God well (based on Romans 13)

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Coming to Your Senses (mp3)


The ill-advised demands made by the prodigal son; the negative consequences he faced and his sober decision; based on Luke 15:11-19. (Included in the...

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Creating a Relational Legacy 3-part series (mp3)


A "fireside chat" featuring Lady Meredith Sheppard about assessing the condition and value of one’s relationships with family members, friends,...

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Cultivating the Fruit of Longsuffering (mp3)


Living in contentment despite irritations, inconveniences, and inactivity; yielding the fruit of long-suffering; putting up with people who provoke...

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Dead Man Walking 3-part series (mp3)


Practical teaching about leaving the sinful life and walking in holiness; how to stop letting sin win

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Deal With How You Feel 2-part series (mp3)


Understanding that Christ invites us to come to Him with our true thoughts and feelings; learning how to apply God's Word to our emotions

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Dealing with Disillusionment (mp3)


Lessons drawn from Job, Joseph, Mary, and Martha as they dealt with seasons of disillusionment; based on various Biblical passages.

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Dealing with Frustration (mp3)


How Hannah successfully navigated emptiness (being barren), a live-in enemy (Peninnah), and Eli (the priest who misunderstood her); based on 1 Samuel...

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